Advisory Committee

Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee Chairperson (Principal)

The role of the committee’s chairperson is to provide direction and to serve as a spokesperson for the program advisory committee. The chairperson of the committee must be an individual from the college who possesses knowledge of the needs of NCN. The vice chairperson may be elected by the committee from the college faculty

The duties and responsibilities of the chairperson include

  • Coordinate with the advisory committee coordinator to establish meeting dates and develop an agenda for each meeting
  • Preside at committee meetings, leading discussions, bringing closure on key points of discussion, and giving members the opportunity to express their opinions, give advice and make recommendations;
  • Be sensitive to the views of the members
  • Be able to listen critically
  • Be reasonable
  • Exercise good judgment and fairness
  • Dedicate time to the affairs of the committee
  • Appoint special committees as the need arises, which may include persons other than committee members
  • Arrange for special presentations
  • Encourage a relaxed atmosphere conducive to productive discussions
  • Plan committee activities and provide sufficient background information when needed
  • Maintain personal contact with committee members and institution personnel
  • Approve all announcements, notices and other information sent to committee members
  • Work with the coordinator in preparing and presenting an annual written plan of action that includes a formal evaluation of the committee’s activities and accomplishments each year.

The committee chairperson should avoid:

  • Acting as the final authority on all subjects
  • Putting pressure on the group to agree with his/her own personal views
  • Chairing subcommittees
  • Discussing questions or issues that are outside the purpose of the committee.

Responsibilities of the Vice-Chairperson

  • Work closely with the chairperson on specified tasks
  • Serve as the leader for many of the committee’s activities
  • Perform specific tasks assigned by the chairperson
  • Conduct meetings and committee business in the absence of the chairperson.

Responsibilities of the Advisory Committee Coordinator (Nursing coordinator)

The duties and responsibilities of the committee coordinator include: • Obtain clerical and administrative support for the advisory committees, including refreshments, mailings, etc. to assist with the committee function

  • Coordinate with the advisory committee chairperson to establish meeting dates and develop an agenda for each meeting
  • Work with the chairperson in preparing and presenting an annual written plan of action that includes a formal evaluation of the committee’s activities and accomplishments each year
  • Assure that communication is distributed to the advisory committee members regarding program activities, schedule of meetings and all other pertinent information
  • Recommend potential program advisory committee members to the dean
  • Facilitate meetings and notify committee members of future plans; • Keep committee members informed of developments in the program.